Since the 1960s, WRF has worked in partnership with the American Friends of the Pakistan Society for Rehabilitation of the Disabled. This organization whose members are Americans of Pakistan descent, raise funds to improve rehabilitation services at the Pakistan Society for Rehabilitation of the Disabled (PSRD) in Lahore. WRF provides consultation to the agency and its American supporters.
PSRD is a full-service rehabilitation center which has a 100 bed hospital; physiotherapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy services; a school for children with disabilities and a prosthetics/orthotics center. Currently, WRF is supporting efforts to improve both onsite and outreach services to underserved areas in the Lahore region, thereby ensuring that thousands of people receive rehabilitation services annually. The program is a long standing partnership with PSRD and the American Friends of PSRD.
This year, WRF took part in supporting a purchase of a van to provide free transportation for children with disabilities attending PSRD’s high school, repairing sections of the old PSRD hospital building and renovating of the Occupational Therapy Center to meet the needs of a growing number of persons seeking assistance, and to continue the outreach project in the Burki slum area of Lahore to provide disability services, as well as counseling in reproductive health, nutrition and hygiene to children and mothers.
Specifically, a van was purchased to transport children with disabilities; repairs and renovations of the old PSRD hospital building and the Occupational Therapy Center allowed for 50% increase in number of beds available in these units; a community based rehabilitation project has been undertaken to provide services for children and their families in the Burki area of Lahore.
The facility serves some 2500 persons per year, including 200 high school students.
Previous AFPSRD/WRF efforts have provided building and renovation of existing service units, especially those related to physical and occupational therapy. Support also has gone to develop community based efforts enabling PSRD to serve a wider range of patients, particularly those living in high poverty regions in and near Lahore.
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